Link to Post: Silver in May

Along the Watchtower does a nice concise wrap up of silver factors during may's sudden drop and some on what to expect for the future.  CME's COMEX is in trouble.


Link to Post: Belarus Freezes Food Prices

As long as we are going to follow Belarus, here' is the next bit in the saga, again via Zero Hedge.


Link to Post: Revolution no. 2

Revolution, from Zero Hedge, with video from Egypt, and IMF loans.


Zero hedge also spots this bit about Spain's revolution no. 1


Yet again, revolution, and police being themselves.  Thanks ZH!


And more of the same from Raw Story.


(Memorial Day Update) Thomas Jefferson's take on this would be most interesting indeed.  Thanks Alternet.


And this bit about filming the police and government facilities.  Everybody knows they beat you to the ground for that now right?!  FREEDOM!!!  A good video on freedom of speech by


Link to Post: Belarus

Zero Hedge offers an overview of Belarus's currency devaluation and some of the forces at work in the collapsing monetary system.


Link to Post: A Short History of Energy and Money

A good friend of mine sent me a link to this article by Dean Henderson which covers some of the origins of the four big oil companies in an attempt to hunt "perps."  I think it ties in nicely with my bit about googling: "energy is money" so I am linking it here.

LINK TO ARTICLE: "The Four Horsemen Behind the Oil Wars"

Googling "Energy is Money"

Back in April 2006 I was doing some stream of consciousness creative type writing and I put down on my myspace blog "Dollars are currency, all nations use some form of currency, currency is symbolic for work done, it represents the energy used to make or provide something of value and can be returned for an object of similar value later in time." (along with quite a lot of other drivel before and after) I knew quite a bit less back then. That "currency is symbolic[representative] for work done" stuck with me.  I understood "work" to be a physics term.  Work requires energy.  Currency should be money for a number of reasons.  Thus money is representative of energy; and I have been stuck in about that same spot ever since.

It is weird that when you Google “energy is money” all you get is a bunch of cocaine fueled 80’s and 90's clap trap about spiritual energy and using it to make you money.  I’m talking petro-dollars here!  The energy it takes to mine gold god damnit!  Labor is energy!  Where is my debt money = work to be done = energy in the future?  Where is gold = word already done = energy of the past?  You people are woefully misled.

Money is energy in a way that many people are failing to understand in a very basic way.  Take the petro-dollar example.  Or fiat dollars being an easily exchangeable note for work to be done.  Or gold being easily exchangeable work already done.  What energy do you expend to acquire money?  Do you use money to save energy?  Do you take more than you give?  Do you give more than you take?  There's some fucking spiritual energy for you.  Fuck you, there's some more energy.  Enjoy.  Money is at its essence not simply a medium of trade or a representation of value, it is a representation of energy.  Value is the subjective version of monetary theory.  Energy is the objective version of monetary theory.  Energy gives money its value.  The nature of money is determined by the energy behind it, the energy the money represents.

Certainty of exchange is determined by the nature of the energy being represented.  For example: The USD is based in energy to be claimed in the future, meaning that dollars are in themselves worthless as a seemingly true fiat currency, and they would have been declared worthless years ago if they were not exchangeable for oil to the near total exclusion of all other currencies for over half a century, thus the USD's wildly high value/energy is bestowed by our dominance of the money supply that is representing global oil trade which was secured during and after world war II (Was this an efficient use of energy by the US?  Maybe spiritual energy or at least moral, does have a place in monetary theory?).  Thus the USD is still backed by energy to be claimed in the future hybridized with energy claimed as backing for the currency by sticking a big military base on top of oil then printing money that is the only money that can buy the oil under the base, simple.  At least it was, it seems to be getting more complicated lately, our dominance of the energy supply is waning and so is our currency (as they are essentially the same thing), this calls into question future exchangability of USDs as it represents a lesser amount of energy than before.  The exchangability of gold is very certain by comparison as the energy represented by gold, is the gold itself, it is the energy that was required to make the gold and who doesn't want gold?  As a matter of fact that is about the only thing that would completely devalue gold is if everyone saw it as being without any value, sounds ludicrous doesn't it.  Now listen to this reworking:  'As a matter of fact the only thing that would completely devalue the USD is if everyone saw it as being without any value.'  See how the USD devaluation seems like a more real possibility.  Why is that?  The energy represented by the money, that's why.  

Prior to the aforementioned US oil claiming, and prior to the debasement of gold backed paper, gold was money, money/gold was energy already expended.  The energy gold represents is the energy involved in extracting, purifying, decorative styling, and proofing.  Gold does not rely on a future supply of energy to have value.

Aside:  If anyone has anything good for me to read on this subject of "money is energy" I want it, I haven't found anything directly on point yet, see the google search.  I found THIS at Harry Seldon's Blog, but I'm looking for something much more scholarly and with much more depth.  Then there's THIS at Mises which I'm not even sure if it is topical to my thoughts here, I'll have to read the next one.

I am aware of energy per person as a direct measure of human development/quality of life, this leads me to believe that money is more about energy than anything else.  That is probably why "Money is 'Power.'''  I want to know more about this.

And of course with other means of exchange opening up (either currency, or commodity) for oil based energy exchange the USD has been loosing value because it lost its exclusivity which made it exceptionally valuable.

And I am thinking objective energy based monetary theory will be more essential to developing the world through understanding than will understanding subjective interpretations of the value of things as a primary theory.  Don't get me wrong subjective value theory has a part to play, but it is a smaller part of a theory which considers money to be exchangable energy.  Energy is an objective measure of work, value which is a subjective measure of want is encompassed in "money is energy" theory because the things you want require a measurable amount of energy to achieve.  Example:  Sometimes people really want tulips, driving up the energy it takes to get one.  The wild swings in the subjective value of tulips doesn't really significantly change the energy required to continue to produce tulips via a working tulip production, it does alter the energy required to start a tulip production however, because the tulips required to start out are affected by subjective value changes, those value changes are subjective in that it is peoples' want for tulips that is determining value, the increased energy (or representations of energy) people are willing to trade for tulips is objectively measurable.  People are trading energy for energy here.  The energy to make the tulips is traded for the energy to get the money which is backed by some form of energy to buy the tulips.  So people do not always exchange energy equally as some might think they would try to through a currency directly representing energies, as a matter of fact often there are grossly unequal exchanges as a means of converting from one sort of energy to another because of want.  (Did not Buddha say some thing like want leads to suffering?  Maybe suffering is an unequal exchange of energies?  Never mind that, but you see what I mean about running into trouble with developing this topic.)  Want leads to the unequal expenditure of energy in transactions, however this is irrelevant to the physics of the situation, energy is the basis of the entire exchange, money is representative of energy to all parties to the transaction, all parties in the transaction expend energy to acquire money because they want something which requires exchangable energy, money, to get or give to make an transaction or an exchange of various energies.

Also, my google search for "Money is Energy" turned up lots of stuff about how energy efficient appliance will save you money, and maybe, at this point, those search results will be sort of humorous to the readers of my tripe.

Link to Post: FOFOA Deflation or Hyperinflation

Which one is the right one?


A Must Read

Music by: Brian Jonestown Massacre - It Girl

And if that level of thanking god for mental illness is a bit much for you: Canned Heat - Hot Money - "Doing God's work." -Blankfein

Link to Post: China and energy is real money

Who knew?  Apparently the Kazakhs did!  The Honest Money blog aggregates and interprets these bits about China's currency following the "freegold" model which results in Kazakhs getting hard money for their energy.  Our soon to be valueless soft currency is also probably being exchanged for hard money (gold and silver) in energy markets such as this.  As this comes to pass we are ignorant of what should be obvious physics because of bad paper PMs which do not correlate to supply and demand.  Our system amounts to the conniving theft of energy.

Money = Energy
Energy = Gold (energy expended to condense value) and Oil (energy to be expended as value)
Money = Gold and Oil


Link to Post: Physical

Zerohedge spots this info from the world gold counsel, a biased source presenting government numbers, sigh, aren't we all.  Also, a post about certainty in PM prices from All Along the Watchtower.



Another Chance to Buy Silver

It is down around 36 USD again.  Volatility for a while to come too I'll bet.  BUY, BUY, BUY.


Here is a link to FOFOA's current Open Forum.  "FOFOA: A Tribute to the Thoughts of Another and his Friend" is one of the best blogs out there concerning the future of money.  "Free gold" is the most intelligent thing I have heard about what comes next (the Amero and SDR are bad jokes of history), and FOFOA is a big proponent of it.  This should be on everyone's daily reading list.


Link to Post: US Debt is Bad

Market Oracle relates to us that the US debt levels have become much higher than they were in 2000, this is bad.  They have some ideas.  I think it is great that John Mauldin wants to help fix the debt issues with smaller government and less obligations.  However, I believe that we must first tackle and burn the current failing monetary system, so I'm just going to LINK THIS, thanks be to Meat Loaf.


Link to Post: "Cracks Starting to Show?" ...In the US Monetary System.

The Capitol Research Institute debates Michael Pettis, a Finance Professor, and writer for Financial Times about the demise of the US dollar.


Link to Post: "Bin Bernanke"

Writing on Zerohedge, GeorgeWashington lays out the ties between terrorism, the dollar, wars, Osama, Obama, Bush, our floated financial system, and "Bin Bernanke."

The money has gone bad!


Link to Post: No Jobs

No jobs, no recovery, not to mention a lost generation or two.

Want a job now?  Zerohedge says get a job at McDonalds! Includes chart of BLS data on people not in labor force who want a job now.


Link to Post: "Absolutely nothing has changed regarding the fundamentals driving the gold and silver markets..."

Zerohedge again, is there anything they can't do?



Link to Post: Goldman Sees Oil Returning to Recent Highs

Thanks go to Zerohedge, all praise be upon them!

Recent moves are not based in changes to the long term supply and demand issues.


Jesse's Café Américain Spots "Interesting Theory"

"CME margin increases", "paper silver", silver "snap back rally", I said it was interesting did I not?  Go read it.


Link to Book Review did a book review of Chris Martenson's Crash Course that makes me really want to pick up the book, I am not sure if that's post worthy, but the description of the book and the short review made me back up and take a wide view, and though it's probably familiar to everyone by now I thought I would share some more of the same.

Stating things simply

 The Telegraph has an interesting bit up:

I decide to criticize them some and ramble a bit.