Bitcoins and Ripple Pay

Here's a bit of modern monetary revolution/evolution for you all.  Bitcoins, an internet currency.  I have seen a few stories on this in the past, but it seems like it has become a major means of exchange and it's wildly different methodology deserves a closer examination (more so than I'm going to give it here, I need to do some more reading).  I am still on a Ripple Pay mailing list and have seen some similar ideas put forward.  Essentially the idea is that everyone is their own bank who create their own currency and have their own trust relationships which link them into various networks for the purpose of exchanges.  These exchanges give the currency its value.  Bitcoins seem similiar, except the currency is not individually issued, rather it is algorithm limited and created independently of the users.  Bitcoins and Ripple Pay both allow for some level of anonymity.  Bitcoins is much farther along in its practical implementation, actually being used in a large number of exchanges of significant value (energy).

Ripple Pay and Bitcoins are definitely ideas any self respecting monetary revolutionist should investigate.

Here are a couple recent stories:

"The Currency That's Up 200,000%"

Silk Road (the drugs angle is about as far as most media outlets go when covering bitcoins)

The first google return for "bitcoins" tells you how to use your browser to go get some, mind you though that "mining" for bitcoins should probably not be undertaken lightly.

As a matter of fact, go look at the google returns for "bitcoin."  It is pretty wild to see so much interest in this, bottlenecks encourage evolution I guess.

The Bitcoin Wiki is full of all sorts of interesting info.

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